List of active policies

Name Type User consent
Privacy Statement Site policy All users
House Rules Site policy All users
Cookie Policy Site policy All users


Governance Hub


Full policy

Why is data gathered?

The Scottish Government collects personal data to set up an account and grant access to the Governance Hub. Processing of this data is necessary for you to be a functioning user of the Governance Hub.

What data is gathered?

Normal category personal data is gathered that is information relating to an individual and may identify them directly or indirectly.  At registration we may collect the following data:

  • Full Name (mandatory)
  • Email address (mandatory)
  • Public Body/Directorate
  • Your role within the organisation

·       IP address you used to connect to the online portal. 

The mandatory fields name and email address are to identify users.

What we do with your data

We are processing your data as a task in the public interest, namely, in the administration of the Governance Hub, the Scottish Government uses the College Development Network as our host for this platform. The College Development Network can be contacted at College Development Network, Airthrey Castle, Hermitage Road, Stirling, FK9 4LA. All personal data is processed and stored securely within the UK by College Development Network.


Data is processed only in connection with the services provided to the Scottish Government and for business necessity. Your email address will be visible to other users of the Governance Hub but should you not wish you email address to be visible please confirm to us at  and we will restrict access to it. No other third parties who do not have an account on the Governance Hub have access to your personal data unless the law allows them to do so. No data is transmitted outside of the UK.

We are also subject to the requirements of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (“FOISA”) and the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 (“EIRs”) and may be required under the FOISA and the EIRs to disclose your personal data, subject to exemptions contained in the FOISA and the EIRs.

The Scottish Government and College Development Network have a Data Protection policy in place to oversee the effective and secure processing of your personal data.

We will never provide your personal information to a third party for marketing purposes.

How long is your data kept?

Your data is retained for as long as you are a user on the Governance Hub and the data is required to give you access to it. Should you no longer wish to be a user, or should you leave the role/position you hold which entitles you to be a user of the Governance Hub you must inform us at  and your data will be deleted from our systems.


What are your rights?

You have a right to access the information we hold about you, you can request to see this information by emailing  You have a right to have this information corrected, deleted and to object to or restrict the processing of the information held. Your consent can be withdrawn at any time by letting us know in writing, please email

If you wish to raise a complaint on how your personal data is handled, you can contact the Scottish Government Data Protection Officer who will investigate the matter. The Data Protection Officer is the Head of Information and Assurance and can be contacted at

If you are not satisfied with the response or believe we are processing your personal data not in accordance with the law, you may make a complaint to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) through the following:

The Information Commissioner's Office - Scotland
45 Melville Street

Telephone: 0303 123 1115


For more information about these rights go to Your data matters | ICO



Governance Hub - House Rules 

Full policy

By using our Governance Hub you agree to the following house rules:

 This platform has been designed as a secure and safe space to learn, share best practice and contribute to each other's understanding of governance, it should be used as such. 

  • The forums will operate under Chatham house rules. For anyone unaware of what that means, or for more information Click here
  • You must respect your peers when using the forum and treat discussion as you would at any Scottish Government run event.
  • Keep your comments relevant to the discussion topic.
  • You are personally responsible for any submission or comment that you post. 
  • Material shared on the Governance belongs to the individual that posted it, we ask users to post responsibly - i.e. only sharing what you'd be willing to put into the public domain, not sharing third party personal data, etc. 
  • Where issues of a sensitive nature are being discussed you are encouraged to anonymise.
  • As always, be mindful of your Public Body's Code of Conduct, based on the Model Code of Conduct at all times as well as your Public Bodies Code of Conduct.



Please note that the moderation policy clearly states:

We reserve the right to remove content posted at any time

Threads or posts may be deleted at the sole discretion of moderation staff without notice.

We reserve the right to amend our moderation policy at any time without notice.


Cookies on the Governance Hub

Full policy

What is a Cookie?

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the site.


How Cookies work

Cookies store information on the device you’re using. Sometimes this information is essential if you want to use a website's functions. For example, if you need to log in, a cookie will allow the website to recognise your log-in details.


Cookies can also be used to build a profile of your activity on a website. This includes which pages you visit and how long you spend on each page.


How we use Cookies

Our website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of our site. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our site and make it quicker and easier for you to find what you need, or remembering your settings.  


We also collect information about how you use our website and produce detailed statistics about website activity.


Managing and deleting Cookies

You can withdraw consent at any time. All recent versions of popular browsers, like Google Chrome, Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox, allow you to control cookies.  You can set your browser to:

  • accept all cookies
  • reject all cookies
  • accept or reject only certain cookies


For example, you might be happy to accept a cookie that allows you to log in to a website, but want to reject ones which are used to build a profile of how you use the internet.


You should also be able to set your browser to prompt you each time a cookie is offered.


Visit the Information Commissioner’s Office website to find out how to control or delete cookies.


The table below explains the cookies we use and why.


Name                        What it does                            When it expires

MoodleSession      This is an essential session cookie       When you log out or close

                               which provides continuity and allows    the browser this cookie is

                               you to remain logged in when               destroyed (in your

                               browsing  the site.                                 browser and on the                                                                                                          server)



MOODLEID           This cookie is for convenience as it      It is safe to refuse this  

                                   remembers your username in the         cookie, you will just have

                                 browser, This means when you            to retype your username

                                 return to this site the username field     each time you log in.      

                                 on the login page is already filled in

                                 for you


Last revised April 2023